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Unstable tombstones are not only annoying, they are a danger to the life and limb of visitors and those working in the cemetery. For this reason, after the frost period, stability tests must be carried out and documented on standing gravestones in all cemeteries in Germany. In order to do this correctly and demonstrably, every standing gravestone from a height of 50 cm must be subjected to a minimum force of 300 Newtons once a year on its upper edge. If a grave stele withstands this force, its stability is in accordance with the TA gravestone given, if not, the gravestone is to be marked with at least a warning and those who use the gravesite are to be asked to ensure that the stability is restored. The cemetery operator thus fulfills his duty of care and is protected from claims for damages and claims for compensation for pain and suffering as a result of toppled gravestones.
If you often have to check many gravestones for stability and want to do it professionally and routinely and possibly not only want to save time but also money, then the "PROFI SET" of our Kipp-Tester should be your first choice: This set for everyday use in cemeteries contains the Kipp-Tester with force measuring device and drag indicator, a transport case, the handling aid, the tool kit, 100 yellow warning stickers "Caution: danger of accidents" and a free maintenance and calibration within one year of purchase - a Significant savings compared to individual purchases! With our Kipp-Tester with a force measuring device and drag pointer, you can carry out stability tests properly and professionally in accordance with the specifications of the Deutsche Naturstein-Akademie e. V. (DENAK) through.
Hans Martin C., April 25, 2021
You should get comprehensive information before you buy because the statements on the subject of stability testing are sometimes confusing. In my experience, this relatively simple device (force measurement using a mechanical spring) is fully sufficient for legally flawless test certificates. The Kipp-Tester convinces me in daily use and I can therefore recommend it.